Revive your diaphragm 

Breathe easier – live with pleasure!

Nothing has such a direct effect on your personal mood and well-being as the conscious awareness of your own breath.

A feeling of well-being that many people are only too happy to wish for in stressful phases, when they are overstretched, feel restless or suffer from recurring tension.

Feedback on breath-orientated bodywork shows that this special type of breathing and body training both relieves and strengthens the holding and breathing muscles. Lightness and vitality spread on an emotional and mental level and the body finds its way back to its natural breathing rhythm.

As I breathe, so I live – as I live, so I breathe

Breath-orientated bodywork is a gentle method that is suitable for everyone. We work with very easy movement exercises, with powerful and pleasurable impulses and with the own voice. We always endeavour to optimally stimulate the diaphragm in its natural function. You will get to know your breathing rhythm and your body tension – your tone. Resources become apparent that are not realized in everyday life due to the abundance of sensory impressions. Starting from the feet – the beginning of the lower breath movement area – we support the diaphragm’s ability to oscillate and strengthen the exhalation power. The reflexive inhalation is stimulated and finds its natural form.

The online training will help you to discover dormant potential and you will learn how to integrate it into your everyday life so that you can breathe more easily and live with more vitality.

If you are interested or when you have questions, please contact us:        Contact (Kontakt)

Group training online

By appointment. 
